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Updated: 05.09.2008, Abstracts complete.
  1. Albert Atserias, Barcelona, Spain.
    Title: Ramsey Theory and Constraint Propagation Heuristics
    Abstract submitted to AMS (1046-05-496). pdf-file of AMS
    homepage , mail

  2. Jason Bell, Vancouver, Canada
    Title: Laplace Transforms and Zero-One Laws
    Abstract submitted to AMS (1046-05-448). pdf-file of AMS
    homepage , mail

  3. Andreas Blass, Michigan, USA.
    Title: Partition theorems and permutation groups
    Abstract submitted to AMS (1046-03-471). pdf-file of AMS
    homepage , mail,

  4. Achim Blumensath, Darmstadt, Germany
    Title: On the Monadic Second-Order Transduction Hierarchy
    Abstract submitted to AMS (1046-03-118). pdf-file of AMS
    homepage , mail

  5. Andrei Bulatov, Vancouver, Canada.
    Title: The counting constraint satisfaction problem
    Abstract submitted to AMS (1046-05-377). pdf-file of AMS
    homepage , mail

  6. Greg Cherlin, New Brunswick, USA
    Title: Universal graphs with forbidden subgraphs
    Abstract submitted to AMS (1046-03-366). pdf-file of AMS
    homepage , mail

  7. Eldar Fischer, Haifa, Israel.
    Title: The Specker Blatter Theorem revisited (with J.A. Makowsky)
    Abstract submitted to AMS (1046-05-343). pdf-file of AMS
    homepage , mail

  8. Menachem Kojman, Bersheva, Israel
    Title: Symmetrized Ramsey theorems for graphs and for
    countably categorical structures
    Abstract submitted to AMS (1046-05-342). pdf-file of AMS
    homepage , mail

  9. Tomer Kotek, Haifa, Israel
    Title: Why is the chromatic polynomial a polynomial?
    A model theoretic interpretation. (with J.A. Makowsky and B. Zilber)
    Abstract submitted to AMS (1046-03-393). pdf-file of AMS
    homepage , mail

  10. Stephan Kreutzer, Oxford England.
    Title: Algorithmic Meta-Theorems
    Abstract submitted to AMS (1046-05-340). pdf-file of AMS
    homepage , mail,

  11. Johann Makowsky , Haifa, Israel.
    Title: Towards a theory of graph polynomials
    Abstract submitted to AMS (1046-03-338). pdf-file of AMS
    homepage , mail

  12. Alex Miasnikov, Montreal, Canada
    Title: A Geometric 0-1 Law (with R. Gilman and Y. Gurevich)
    Abstract submitted to AMS (1046-05-373). pdf-file of AMS
    homepage , mail-1, mail-2

  13. Jaroslav Nesetril, Prague, Czech Republic.
    Title: Homomorphism universal structures (with J. Hubicka)
    Abstract submitted to AMS (1046-05-341). pdf-file of AMS
    homepage , mail,

  14. Benjamin Rossman, Cambridge, USA
    Title: k-Clique Requires k/4 Variables
    Abstract submitted to AMS (1046-68-387). pdf-file of AMS
    homepage , mail

  15. Balazs Szegedy, Toronto, Canada.
    Title: Non standard methods in hypergraph theory (with G.Elek)
    Abstract submitted to AMS (1046-05-339). pdf-file of AMS
    homepage , mail,
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